Representation Introduction Homework

 Representation Introduction Homework

Stranger Things:
In this clip from the TV drama Stranger Things, the four technical elements (sound, camera, editing, and mise-en-scene) work together to convey meaning, which the audience will decode, viewing it with either a oppositional, negotiated, or dominated reading (as stated by Stuart Hall's Reception Theory), drawing their own conclusions. In this drama age and gender are mostly represented through the highschool setting, in which young people are portrayed as complex, organizing themselves into social cliques, with some being isolated and cut off from their surroundings, not belonging to any such groups. In addition to this, females are portrayed as rather emotional, both of the featuring females clearly upset. Those who find themselves identifying this clip have a dominant reading, seeing aspects of their personalities and experiences, as per Gauntlett's identity theory. However, identity is rather complex, which leads to the possibility of multiple readings, in which some viewers reject what is portrayed.

Big Little Lies:
In this clip from Big Little Lies, a dark comedy television show, age and gender are represented through the four technical elements (sound, camera, editing, and mise-en-scene), which work together to create meaning, which viewers will decode and construct meaning out of, drawing their own opinions from this clip. In this clip mainly age and gender are represented, with women coming across as rather complex, putting up facades, pretending to be nice, yet seemingly hiding something, as is seen with the younger woman, or as being completely truthful (although snide and rude) with the older woman, who is not afraid to voice her thoughts, likely because she is a lot older than the former. Due to the lack of men in this clip, one can conclude that the world portrayed in this clip is a woman's world, with the women leading everything. Some viewers might find themselves identifying with this clip, seeing aspects of their personality in this clip, as per Gauntlett's Identity Theory.

In this clip from Severance, Love and Romance, as well as gender are represented by the four technical elements, which work together to convey meaning, which viewers will extract meaning from, as per Stuart Hall's Reception Theory. In this clip, through the absence of females, women are portrayed as bringing joy to a man's life, adding colour and vibrancy, and the men as almost unemotional, a great contrast between the smile of the wife on the photograph, and the emotionless expression on the man's face. Love and Romance is also portrayed, with the man portrayed as loving his wife, clearly grieving her loss, presenting love as tender and caring, yet nostalgic and melancholic as he remembers her. Some viewers might find themselves identifying with this clip, seeing aspects of their personality or what they strive to be like in this clip, as per Gauntlett's Identity Theory.