Foundation Portfolio Sound

Sound will play a key role in creating tension in our Foundation Portfolio film. We will be playing around with moments of heightened diegetic sound with no score, and other moments which will feature an intense one, all working together to effectively add tension into the film. 

For some of these some of these sounds, such as the wind, we will use tracks from online, and the rest we'll get in the filming process.

Key Sound Moments:
For the establishing shots, in order to set the scene, it would be ideal to not include sound at the start, employing the use of diegetic sound only, such as the wind, creating an eerie atmosphere from the start.

In order to create an element of verisimilitude, we will need to capture the sound of Jennifer's footsteps as she walks down to the container. In order to capture this, we will likely need to use the boom mic, instead of attaching the mic directly to the camera.

In order sell the point-of-view shot in the bushes, we need to capture the sound of the rustling bushes.

Keyboard and Mouse
When capturing the shots of Jennifer working on the computer, we need to capture the sound of the keyboard and mouse clicking away, which will later be heightened and used as a device to create suspense.

Ticking Clock
The ticking clock is a major symbol in our film, and a major driver of suspense, giving the impression that time is running out.

The dialogue is included to give some background information about why Jennifer is in the container, and breaks up all the quiet moments which occur previously in the film.

When our protagonist puts on the headphones there will be a sound muffle, indicating that she cannot hear what is going on around her, lowering her guard, making her unable to hear when the door opens behind her.