Thriller Analysis Class Work

Thriller Opening Sequence Analysis

First 2.40 minutes
  • Credits appear over black screen, glitching every now and again, working with the score to create an eerie tone.
  • Only one name comes up at a time, situated in the middle of the screen, creating a sense of isolation.
  • After a few seconds of the black title screen, a different shot fades into the frame, illustrating certain elements that have already occurred in the narrative as well as building the framework for the events that are to unfold.
  • Diegetic sound is included when these shots appear, creating an element of verisimilitude. The lack of talking further adds to the building tension. 
  • There are different shot durations present, some short and others long, the short ones almost suggesting that the audience should not have seen whatever was in the frame. 

A Quiet Place:
First 2.30 minutes
  • There is a distinct quietness to this opening sequence, only the sound of the wind and leaves heard as they blow across the road, as well as the slight clanging of metal 
  • A series of establishing shots are used to showcase the desolated town, in addition to the interior of the supermarket, which has been raided
  • The quietness emphasises the breathing and footsteps of the characters
  • The close-up shot of the girl tip-toeing around shows how hard the characters are trying to make as little noise as possible
  • There is a juxtaposition between the seemingly empty supermarket and the shelf full of potato chips as well as the nearly full pharmacy section. This suggests that their survival is depended on their silence, as these items have not been raided.
  • Close-up on the mother's hands and face as she attempts to find the right pills for her sick son, showing her cautious movements as she tries to make as little noise as possible

Untitled Thriller Scene:
  • Starts with an overhead shot of a woman stepping outside
  • Diegetic sounds emphasised, with a low foreboding score subtly layered in
  • Tracking shot of the woman walking stops as she hesitates when she hears a man cough
  • Close-up of the woman's reaction, with a silhouetted figure in the background 
  • When the woman walks away the figure follows, the shot blurry, creating suspense
  • Music starts to pick up in intensity, building up to the climax
  • Canted shot of the building, showcasing the shadows of the briskly walking woman, and the following figure
  • Cuts to shots of their feet as they walk, first the woman then the man, back to the woman as she increases her pace
  • Cuts to a tracking shot of her making a run for it, with an images of herself superimposed over each other, creating a blurred, laggy effect, mimicking the panic she feels
  • Close up of her bag as she fiddles her bag, attempting to find her car keys
  • Mid-shot of  her face, with the figure climbing over the wall, approaching her
  • Camera cuts to a close-up of her face, and rushes towards her just like the mysterious figure
  • The screen fades to black, with the sound of a heartbeat overlayed, highlighting her fear