Technical Elements Videos

Technical Element Videos: 

Video 1:

In this video, there was a lot of good information about different types of camera shots and the effects they create. For example, medium shots are the most common shots used, as they portray characters in a similar way we would normally view someone during an interaction. A close-up restricts the frame, and builds tension as the viewer doesn't have a full picture of what is going on, making it an ideal shot to use in a thriller. It would be interesting to play around with wide shots in a thriller, using it to juxtapose the character and their situation.

Video 2:

This video also contains some good information on camera techniques. Extreme close-ups highlight important information about a character or narrative, focusing the audience's view on a particular object, person, or reaction. Camera angles too play a role in how the character is represented, and can make them appear either dominant or vulnerable, and would be ideal to play with in a thriller. Establishing shots are critical in each scene, setting the mood, tone, and atmosphere of what lies ahead. In addition to this, tracking shots involve the audience in the scene, making them feel as if they are part of the ensuing action.